Friday, April 22, 2011

Four Step Shabbat Personal Practices

Today is day three of the Omer, add one and you have the day that begins tonight (Friday night April 22).

I only just managed to post day #3 and will do a different format for this Shabbat Omer counting. Four step personal spiritual practices follow!

Tefilla Yoga
[If you live in or near Chicago, join me tomorrow morning for Tefilla Yoga. The practice will be supportive to bodies who've been exposed to harsh matzoh, late nights, and changing schedules, travel and tiredness. Expect some enjoyable embodiment and restorative poses. 8:00-9:30 am @ Anshe Emet, 3751 N Broadway Chicago]

Do these practice all together or at different times of the night/day.

1. Shabbat Shalom! Light Shabbat candles. Cover your eyes and say the bracha for Shabbat candlelighting. Keep your eyes covered and add personal blessings. Talk to God, ask for what you need, then for blessings for those in your life. Include those who love and support you who are easy to bless, and also people who may not give you what you need, but still need your blessings. May Divine light illuminate your Shabbat, care for you, bring you rest and support.

2. Find a spot to sit. Notice your posture and allow yourself to sit up tall, shoulders wide and down, chest open. Notice your breath. Shift into breathing in through your nostrils deep into your lungs, slowly - generously. Exhale slowly and fully through your nostrils. Repeat for a total of four cycles, breathing in the gift of life, divine breath moving your soul in and through your body. *You may want to sit in front of your Shabbat candles, gazing at the flames dancing.

3. Find open wall space and bring a pillow or blanket. Sit on the floor (or pillow/blanket) really close to the wall, with one hip next to wall, knees bent. Slide onto the floor on your side, roll onto your back, and put your legs up the wall. Adjust the pillow/blanket under your hips. Let yourself settle in here, giving your feet and legs a break. Relax your jaw and neck. Pay attention to how you feel, notice what changes over the next four (or so) minutes. *You may want to first cleanse and exfoliate your face and hands, and apply a mask to your face. Relax into this pose as the mask removes impurities from your skin. Remember to moisturize afterwards.

4. Lay on your back in Shabbatsana. Slide your shoulders down away from your ears, neck long, face relaxed. Let your body be heavy, feel yourself held and supported. Four is the number of Imahot, the Mothers. Invoke the mothers in your life, sources of life, nourishment, nurturing, wisdom. They may be alive in the world now, or no longer, your family or not, female or male. Feel them holding you, blessing you. Remember what a miracle you are, just for being born, for the strength of your soul residing in your body. Realize that with all your talents and accomplishments, your soul is on this Omer journey, moving from constraint to freedom, from burden to joy. Notice where you feel clouded or heavy and where you feel bright and light. Celebrate both. Count the Omer. Tonight is the fourth night of the Omer.

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