Tuesday, April 13, 2010

15 - doing my days

At a shiva house today two people were talking about me literally behind my back. Standing right next to me they were discussing my personal and professional commitments, just wondering to each other out loud how I manage my life. I was sitting, or standing near the food table, tending to my flock of three -wiping faces, cleaning up spills, enjoying the zen of motherhood.

This morning, and yesterday too, I awoke to a peaceful house, rather my husband gently woke me to tell me it was time to get up. It was so quiet, I was so comfortable, so soundly sleeping, so content in my body laying in bed. I didn't believe that it was already 9:30 am and the girls were quiet. What a great start to the day.

I sensed that this peace would pervade the day. And it did. My first vision of the girls upon opening their door was silliness. Two grinning girls completely naked, the third dressed and equally proud of herself. We ate breakfast together, and I made a to do list. We played.

Yesterday at nap time I loaded them up for a ride. For the first time ever, all three walked to the car. No pulling the car up to the door while hoping they are safe inside, carrying them out one at a time and then going back for bags. One single procession. How amazing is that? So amazing! We stopped to see my Grandma so she could see with her own eyes that Hallel really can walk now. She had been really worried about my easy going girl. I took them to my mom at work and they followed their Savta around the high school like little duckings. I ducked out to go to a meeting with a favorite colleague. We had lots of fun at Savta and Grandma Jerry's house, more play and a delicious dinner. Home late at night, I designed Haley's siddur cover.

Today during nap time I assembled new furniture for Haley's room, purchased to make things more comfortable for my dad. Then, I wrote my day 14 piece, and sent an email correspondence about an exciting job possibility, and another about another promising position.

After nap time we again walked out to the car and drove to our friend's house for a shiva visit. The girls played in the yard, sat on a big kid swing, fell in the mud, rode around on big wheels and scooters, all tended to by the Silver kids. They spotted spaghetti and ate their fill. They traipsed around the house like little menschen. I kept a loose eye on them and allowed them to explore and to mingle, to nosh too. I managed to squeeze in some brief conversations with the family and with my shul people, really good people. After searching for and finding all six shoes, two friends (former congregants) and I each carried out a girl. I arrived home with five minutes till the start of a business webinar. I turned over bed time to Abba and signed on to focus on my passion of providing people the best organic skin and body care.

Tomorrow I begin a new class, teaching Rav Yoga at a day school enrichment program, and next on my agenda is to design an amazing first day for these children. At the moment I don't have child care arranged for the afternoon, so that is also a priority.

In case you were wondering, like the women tonight were in full voice, there's the outline of my week thus far. Yes, I am mostly occupied with mommying and yes, my professional passions round out my life. What a blessing that I love my work and love my people!

This is for today. I imagine that life post-Omer will look quite different. Uh-oh. Pause. Aha! I may have just discovered my counting calling for the year – a transition from mostly mommying into a working Wonder Woman. Time to break out the Feminum cuffs.

for today: what is worth sharing about your daily life? what brought a smile to your face today? have you discovered what this Omer counting period means for you? are you transitioning in these seven weeks, intentionally or not?


  1. Heather, I just love this blog. I'm learning so much from you--and about you. Thanks so so much.

    Sue Fendrick

  2. you already are wonder woman love - u don't need the cuffs! xoxoxox sharyn
