Thursday, April 22, 2010

24 - beginning, middle, end

First an idyllic exploratorium in the Butterfly Haven. Three angelic girls wide eyed fluttering around brilliant butterflies, mesmerized by the small waterfall, reaching for water. Playing with laminated bird and butterfly guides, climbing up and down the bench, looking up, down all around at the flittering wings. Red-cheeked, their hair shiny and curly from tropical humidity, they were thrilled to be in this alternate universe. I was right there with them, enjoying the heat, the beauty and lushness and color. Felt like hours on end. End scene for the lovely part of the day.

First-time with butterflies, why? Because strollers aren't allowed in the haven, so its impossible for triplet babies to visit, since a one-on-one adult/baby ratio is a triplet parent's XXX fantasy. Finally all three are walkers, and visiting the flutter-by butterflies is a fitting celebration. What a proud momma chick I was with my little chicklets following behind. Ahem, leading the way. Errr, each moving their own way at times in three directions. Mostly though, the draw themselves together. Note that royalties for the term chicklets go to our adorable friend Mindele.

Mindele, whose parents are my go-to models for parenting reinforcement. Laid-back with the medical knowledge to make it super safe, they reassure me that I made the right choice skipping the ER after a little one was injured. And that was scene two today, watching a child in pain and fear with her fingers stuck in the elevator door. Ahh, but she fell asleep like a cherub on the way to the hospital, then sweetly refused to leave the red pleather couch in the lobby. She held my hand with her “injured” hand. Wary to pay $150 for an Emergency Room visit when it no longer seemed like an emergency, we walked to get late lunch while waiting for a return call from the doc. Orders for an x-ray seemed like a better approach. And wouldn't you know it, but my little lady grabbed that fork, wrapped her little slightly swollen fingers around it, and ate. Bye-bye-bye Lincoln Park, taxi us Uptown. End scene for the bad part of the day.

Managed to pull together a delicious dinner. Fed the family in two shifts, put children to bed, returned two business calls, counted the omer. End day.

Today is the 24th day of the omer, 3 weeks and 3 days of the omer.

For your thoughts: did today have a beginning, middle and end? How do you identify the beginning, middle and end?

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