Saturday, April 3, 2010

5 - fullness

Thinking of tonight's number, 5, I made a list of all the fives in my life. The first 5 that came to mind, and the only one with any personal charge, is that our family started out with 5 “people” in our household before I became pregnant with triplets. Me, husband, s-daughter, 2 dogs. Our family was created with these five.

I remember that first time the five of us were together so clearly. Jeff and I met at a Jewish happy hour at the Theater By The Lake on June 7, 2003. Our first date was on June 10th and then Jeff called me on Sunday June 12th when we were each on our way to the Jewish Folk Arts Festival. It would be the first of two meetings between our first date and our second date. He knew that I'd be attending, and I was excited to hear from him. After giving me a great tip about where to find close parking, I entered the park. A beautiful sunny day following a night of rain left a muddy park filled with music and art. I didn't come alone; my red standard poodle was along for the fun. Jeff didn't come alone either; when I found him his gorgeous two year old towhead Haley was playing with their dog. My favorite band was playing, the sun was shining, the dogs were content, Haley was smiling and then Jeff was kissing me.

Five. Looking forward several months we will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. Our wedding invitation was a photo collage of us dancing on the beach with our dogs playing in the background. Haley was with us under the chuppah. Not just two young people joining in marriage, we were already a family. Five years later the number of people has doubled. Though it is so much more than numbers. We were an instant family joined by love. Three souls strongly drawn together, three destined to join us and two loyal canine companions.

Five years of marriage feels like a huge statement. One year is just the beginning, lovers on a honeymoon (even though my honeymoon was an appendicitis hospital stay). Two years is a good start, working out the kinks, longer than my first marriage lasted. Three years and we've endured - a job loss, a career transition, the pain of infertility, several miscellaneous surgeries, soon a high risk pregnancy and children in the hospital. Four years, we're in it forever, and for us four children. Five years, feel like old fogies aging together, chasing children, falling into bed tired, deeper in love than ever before, accepting of the struggle, surviving the stress and savoring the sweet.

Five. A full hand. A hand full. Today is the fifth day of the Omer.

List the fives in your life. What has the most resonance for you? What can you count on one hand? With what are your hands full? Alternate exercise: There are five books in the Torah, what are the books in your life?

Please share your writings and comments!

1 comment:

  1. This year's counting of the Omar will have added significance for me, as my 31 year career at Morton Salt ended just before Passover on March 26. I choose to walk away from the job. It just becomes clear to me that you can count the days from the first day of Passover and for me my old job. But it is more important to realize the counting is leading to something. In Judaism, the Omer leads to Shavu'ot. For me if I allow it and pursue it may lead to further contributions to life. With a connection to the Holy One, it will focus me on trying to find the right and best path.

    So I particularly enjoy reading your take on the Omer, and we shall see where it leads.
